The State of Public Education in the U.S.

The state of public education in the U.S. is in deplorable condition and continues to worsen. Here are the problems as I see them and at the end will be solutions to solve these problems.

Much of what is taught is of little to no use in real life for most people. Trigonometry, algebra, Shakespearean English, etc. have no use for most people as they are not useful for daily basis living nor helpful for most careers. Useful skills such as calculating taxes, knowledge of Greco-Latin roots, critical thinking, and other such skills are rarely taught. Languages being taught are few in number and are often out of date forms of speech or in general do not represent the spoken form. The heavy use of textbooks, which are often out of date, stifles challenging viewpoints and arguments as well as often being cumbersome in comparison to smaller educational books and internet access which from papers may be printed.

Testing is emphasized over actual learning. The memorization of useless facts for tests sponsored by corporations (either directly or indirectly via government influence) so that they make a profit and the school looks good with higher scores whilst actually representing how the student is being turned into an automaton. Those with more creative minds and intellectually curious will thus be stifled and become a. an automaton b. the outcast or worse c. the “autistic/asperger/ADD” student and be forced to use drugs to become even worse than the automaton.

There is the excessive amount of homework given for the student to complete each night. This produces undue amounts of stress and adversely affect a family’s schedule. The student not only feels stress to finish the homework, but they are unable to play with their friends and go outside. Combined with the lack of recess (to be mentioned next), it is no surprise that children are becoming obese.

The fear of lawsuits is prevalent amongst school administrations. Zero-tolerance policies rarely are of true use and are used the most by schools to deflect blame from themselves onto both the perpetrator and the victim of any incident no matter how minor. School playgrounds are torn down or have limited access due to fear of a child injuring themselves and the hysterical parents hiring a lawyer to sue for money.

Lunches are often removed from schools due to schools receiving less money. Many are often forced into businesses with companies which only serve food which is high in fat and sugar. Even worse are when the companies in question are trying to get students addicted to their products. Adding to this is the fact that students must quickly eat and return to classes as well as expected to immediately work despite still digesting their food.

The solutions to all of this are as follows. Teach skills as most useful to real life experiences and allow students to challenge orthodoxy. Be rid of heavy textbooks and adapt smaller books and/or print papers for study from trusted sources from the internet. Teach information that is relevant and up to date. Abolish standardized testing and testing of rote memorization, esp. if the test is based around a text book and instead use ungraded pop quizzes to which students may learn more useful information if they pass the pop quiz and to try again even if they failed: to this extent grade levels should be abolished and classes should not be determined by age. Homework should only focus on short readings with any actual work done in the school itself as in that manner the student not only has free time after school but will also have access to a teacher to help with any given assignment. Zero-tolerance rules should be abolished with the school being more active in solving problems using negotiation and not detentions/suspensions/expulsions/etc. to solve any incidents. More playgrounds must be erected with rules in place so as parents would not be able to sue unless there is no doubt that the school is directly responsible for any injury. School lunches should be paid for by the tax dollars of the community for the benefit of every student. The food to be served should be healthy and organic with minimal fat and sugar. More time should also be given for students to eat and converse as the digestive system is able to function to its best ability and give students the time to relax.

My Return and the U.S. Corporation Problem

Been over two years since anything occurred on here, hence I must post more! This is esp. so as there is more news than before!

Situation in the Middle East is worse with us, once again, entering into Iraq. It is but history repeating itself. Isil* is bad, but to stop them means the people of the region have to fight those terrorists themselves and for Turkey to stop letting foreign fighters cross its borders to join Isil.

Obamacare is not health care but an insurance which only benefits the government and insurance companies at the expense of the taxpayer. Little is truly covered and doctor visits without insurance are much cheaper so long as the patient does not develop anything serious nor work in a dangerous position.

Both labor jobs and even tech jobs are each day shifted over to other countries due to the cheaper labor and easier exploitation so that these CEOs can skim even more money. Our economy is bad due to this. With these jobs gone, and despite even having certification/degrees, Americans continue to get shafted as corporations only prefer more money. To this extent, credit cards should be made illegal as the ridiculous interests rates push Americans further into debt despite the need for food, shelter, water, etc. Continuous involvement in wars, along with insurance companies and government interest in siding with corporations and the Obamacare insurance tax/penalty, further aggravate the situation. If this continues, the U.S. will be reduced to a borderline developing country whilst the corporations which helped to create this will be comfortable overseas.

I will post more as I think of possibilities.

*I refuse to slander the good name of the Egyptian goddess Isis.